LEDGrowLightsHQ.com was launched in late 2017 as a community for cannabis growers. We provide detailed, in-depth guides about topics like how to grow weed indoors and gifts for weed lovers. All of our writers are experienced and knowledgeable in the cannabis industry, and have written for large online and print publications.
We would love to hear your comments, ideas, or other feedback you want to share that can help this website grow.
How We Review Products
From time to time, we write buyer’s guides, whether about LED grow lights, or simple accessories like light meters. Our process is simple, but takes time. We spend hours of research for every guide we write, covering every angle, making sure we covered the topic completely.
Our first step is to collect all the data and bring it together as a guide. We then evaluate which information is factual, and what can be considered as simply an opinion. Our team validates the information, which then goes to our Editor for fact checking. The team here takes the information we put out very seriously.
We get much of our information from cannabis blogs like Leafly and I Love Growing Marijuana.
We Know the Cannabis Industry
My team of cannabis experts are writing new content guides and reviews regularly to help you and other fellow growers in your mission. If you have a topic that you want covered that we don’t currently have, please let us know.
As our resource grows, we are sure many visitors will have questions. Feel free to leave a comment on one of our review guides and we will get back to you in a timely manner.
Thank you for reading our blog and we look forward to hearing from you!